What Foods Can Cause Appendicitis? & What’s the Fix?

Ayu Health Hospitals
4 min readMar 14, 2023


An upset stomach is typically nothing serious. However, a visit to the emergency department may be necessary if your pain persists, shifts, or is followed by other significant symptoms. Appendicitis is one such condition that leads to stomach pain. Are you curious to know “what foods can cause appendicitis?” This blog will cover all details about the topic along with answers to how to prevent appendicitis.

What is appendicitis & its symptoms?

Appendix inflammation is known as appendicitis. Just on the right side of the body, the appendix is a small pouch that is joined to the large intestine. It typically spans the same size as a finger. The appendix may swell and infect you if you have appendicitis. It may rupture as a result of this. If this does occur, the infection is probably going to progress all through the abdomen, leading to significant issues.

Some of the commonly observed symptoms of appendicitis are:

  • A swollen belly.
  • Abdominal pain is observed especially when some stress is exerted.
  • Vomiting along with nausea.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Indigestion

What food can cause appendicitis?

Few food items hold a place in the list of what can cause appendicitis. They can really affect the appendix and may trigger appendicitis. Let’s go through the list of what food can cause appendicitis:


Firstly, a few of the seeds have toxins, which aren’t good for health. Furthermore, some people can digest those seeds well, while some cannot. In people with a weak digestive system, these seeds go undigested, causing blockage of the appendix. Hence seedy fruits come on the list of appendicitis fruits to avoid.

Can Fatty Foods Cause Appendicitis?

Lots of people wonder “can fatty foods cause appendicitis?”There is no strong evidence to prove the fact that fatty foods lead to appendicitis. However, the consumption of excess fatty foods causes indigestion, obesity, and a plethora of health problems.

Can Spicy Food Cause Appendicitis?

Spicy food cannot cause appendicitis on its own. However, inflammation and very severe indigestion can result from spicy meals. Appendicitis can develop in conjunction with another illness, such as a stomach infection.

Food that is not properly chewed

It is difficult for your body to digest food that has not been properly chewed, which can result in blockages and inflammation that can cause appendicitis. Never forget to fully chew your meal before you consume it.

Low Fibre foods

Usually, low-fibre food items are not healthy options, since they’re high in sugars, fats, etc. Such foods cannot be easily digested, thus triggering digestive problems such as constipation, indigestion, etc. A fibre-rich diet makes one far less susceptible to developing appendicitis.

Natural ways to Relieve from the Appendix Pain

Certain natural home remedies are extremely effective in relieving appendix pain. They’re listed as follows:

  • Use fenugreek in your daily life. The medicinal properties of fenugreek are very effective in handling appendicitis. Boil fenugreek seeds in water, strain, and drink the liquid daily for best results.
  • Consume beetroot, cucumber, and carrot juices. It eases discomfort in the appendix. It helps to consume these drinks twice daily.
  • The appendix can be massaged with almond oil to help with swelling. Put a warm cloth on your tummy. Now rub your tummy with a soft cloth that has been soaked in almond oil. Continue doing this until you feel good.

Tips and prevention methods

There are no such prevention methods that guarantee not developing appendicitis. In general, people consuming healthy diets, which include lots of fibre-rich fruits and vegetables, are less at risk. Avoiding unhealthy processed food items is a great way to start. Here are some healthy foods one can include in the diet to put appendicitis at bay:

  • Brown rice: Brown rice will aid in improving digestion and general health. Change from white to brown rice to notice a clear difference in overall health.
  • Buttermilk: Buttermilk is well-recognized for easing appendicitis symptoms. One can benefit from adding buttermilk to the diet every day. It is advisable to make buttermilk at home and consume a small amount on a daily basis.
  • Mint: Several appendicitis symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, or gas, may be relieved by using this herb. Three times a day, mint tea can be brewed by boiling fresh mint in water. Mint leaves can also be chewed on.

Summing up

Appendicitis can be a very painful and difficult condition for an individual. If left untreated, it can cause serious issues. Thus, it’s necessary to treat it and seek medical attention as soon as possible. Ayu Health Hospitals has 24*7 emergency care facilities, to ensure the best service to the patients. What’s stopping you? Call 636–610–0800 to book an appointment today.

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Ayu Health Hospitals

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