Exploring the Benefits and Risks of Tubectomy (Tubal ligation)
Pregnancy can be prevented by several methods. However, most of them have long-term side effects or low efficacy. One popular mode of contraception is tubal ligation or tubectomy. Here, the fallopian tubes (also known as oviducts) are referred to as the tubes, since they connect the ovaries to the uterus. It is a surgical procedure, where the fallopian tube is blocked, preventing the meeting of the sperm and ovum, thus stopping fertilization.
Tubectomy is considered a highly effective contraceptive procedure, with an efficacy rate of about 99%. This blog will discuss the tubectomy procedure in detail, busting all myths and confusion.
Types of Tubectomy
The different methods to perform tubectomy are as follows:
- Hysteroscopy: Vaginal approach of conducting tubectomy.
- Laparoscopy: Tubal ligation performed via a minor incision near the navel, the most popular among the types of tubectomies.
- Laparotomy: A type of open surgery (Eg: C-section surgery), where an incision is made to get into the abdominal cavity.
- Micro Laparoscopy: Same process as laparoscopy, but done with smaller instruments.
- Mini-Laparotomy: A less invasive option than regular laparotomy.
The laparoscopic approach is popularly used for tubectomy since it involves negligible scarring and allows the patient to leave the hospital within a day.
Risks and Potential Complications
Just like any other medical procedure, tubectomy isn’t foolproof of risks or complications. Some of the tubectomy side effects are:
- Anesthesia used during the surgery may cause sore throat, dry mouth, nausea, etc.
- Although rare, a few surgery-related risks can be perforation of fallopian tubes, bleeding, infection, uterus damage, etc.
The risk of developing ectopic pregnancy remains.
Read more: Tubectomy Procedure and Techniques | Tubectomy Risks and Potential Complications | How You Prepare For The Tubectomy | FAQs
Procedures such as vasectomy and tubectomy are mostly irreversible processes, so a lot of thinking has to be put into making the decision. This is why it is necessary to seek medical help from experts in the field. At Ayu Health Hospitals, one can get access to a large pool of medical professionals, who can help and guide one in getting the best treatment. Interested to learn more? Contact us at 636–610–0800.